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Rencontre presse Grand Carnaval de Dakar

Grand Carnaval de Dakar

The #GrandCarnavaldeDakar invited the press on June 23, 2021, in the premises of the House of Culture Douta Seck, for the launch of the 2nd edition of the event. This press conference was chaired by Ms. Khoudia Diagne, Director of Arts, representing the Minister of Culture and accompanied by Mr. Abdoul Aziz Guissé, Director of Heritage.

Also with us, representing our partner, Mrs. Jamila Ahameth, Coordinator of the Senegal and Africa pole of the Senegalese Tourist Promotion Agency, Mr. Babacar Sall of the Culture and Tourism Department of the City of Dakar as well as Mr. Kéba Badiane, Director of the Blaise Senghor Regional Cultural Center.

Among our associative partners, the Maison de l'Oralité et du Patrimoine, the Confédération des Artisans et Maîtres Apprentissage du Sénégal, the Fédération des Syndicats d'initiative as well as the Fédération des Chefs cuisiniers du Sénégal, who offered the cocktail prepared from local products.

During the conference, representatives of the Minister of Culture explained how the Great Carnival of Dakar fits into the strategy of the Ministry. The Director of Heritage emphasized the importance of this carnival in the strategy of preservation of Senegalese cultural heritage, the Director of Arts on its importance as a cultural industry and its relationship to the enhancement of the cultural diversity of Senegal.

The representative of the City of Dakar appealed to all mayors of Senegal to support the participation of troops from the regions, he also stressed the importance of territorial marketing and culture for the economic development of communities. As for the representative of the Aspt, she stressed the importance of this event which is part of cultural tourism to attract tourists Senegalese, African and international.

Our representative Mrs. Fatou Kassé Sarr stressed that beyond the festive aspect, "our event was an economic opportunity for participants who will come from the regions. This places the Great Carnival of Dakar in a territorial marketing approach, consisting in enhancing the local potential to derive, in the long run, an economic benefit closely related to tourism''. My conviction is that the talents of our country are numerous, they must have the chance to be visible at the national and international level, especially since they reflect the vitality of our cultures.

The #GrandCarnavaldeDakar thanks Mr. El Hadj Hamidou Kassé, Minister Adviser Arts and Culture of the President of the Republic for his presence. This presence marks the level of interest of the carnival among the highest authorities of this country. We thank them for their confidence.

Our thanks also go to the Federation of Chefs of Senegal who offered the cocktail to journalists.

Thanks to the artist Cheikh Amath Ndiaye who shared his exhibition space with us.

See you all on November 26, 27 and 28, 2021 at the Place de la Nation for three exceptional, festive, festive, popular and family days.



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